Sunday, April 20, 2008

Fixed term life insurance explained

The importance of having adequate life cover should never be underestimated and the solution may be in taking out fixed term life insurance cover.
But first of all, why is life insurance so important? Sadly, many people see it as an unnecessary expense, thinking that once they die, why will they need the money? However, life insurance provides financial protection for the loved ones you leave behind.
For example, if you died tomorrow, would your partner be able to meet the monthly mortgage repayment and day to day bills on one salary alone? Would they be able to live the same lifestyle without your salary? Or would they need to sell up and downsize, possibly uprooting your children in the process?
It is unlikely that they would be able to cope financially on just one salary alone and nor would you want them to be put under financial stress while coping with their grief.
The positive news is that the life insurance doesn t have to be expensive and fixed term life insurance can be fairly cheap.
Fixed term life cover is insurance that pays out a lump sum should the life insured (ie. the policyholder) die during the term of the policy. It is a simple and probably the most inexpensive form of life insurance cover available.
This is because if the policyholder (or policyholders in the case of a joint life policy) survives the term of the policy, it expires and no payment is made. As the lump sum payment is only made on the death of the policyholder, this makes the life assurance premiums less expensive than some other life insurance plans.
Fixed term life insurance can also have additional benefits such as payment of the lump sum upon diagnosis of a terminal illness (such as cancer) during the term of the policy.
The term will normally fixed to match your personal financial circumstances - for example, if you have twenty years to go on your mortgage, then you need life insurance to cover at the least the period until your mortgage is paid off. Or you may want it to run up until you plan to retire.
As with all insurances, do shop around to find the right deal for you you ll be surprised how much prices can vary from insurer to insurer even though they are offering the same level of cover and benefits.
Finally, if you are unsure about any aspect of your chosen cover, then speak to your life insurance provider or seek independent financial advice.

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